Electronics hobby blog
PCB fabrication - Part 2: Etching
PCB fabrication - Part 1: Dry film
UV LED PCB Exposure Box
LED digital watch kit
Printing with ABS
The most important advantages of ABS are impact resistance and toughness. Lego is made from ABS. It will also not deform in hot water, compared to PLA. On the downside ABS is hard to print. You need very hot printbed (around 110 degrees Celsius) and Kapton tape, so the first layer will stick properly. ABS can also warp and curl. There are also other issues in the Marlin firmware that need some attention.
Using composer
PSU grip
Building Volcano Bowden extruder
If you are impatient and don't want to wait too long for your print to finish you can look for a solution in the E3D Volcano hotend. It is able to extrude filament a much greater speeds than a normal (V6) extruder. But it comes at a price of sacrificing the print quality.
LUT - Programmable logic gate
Altera Quartus on Mac OSX
One of the disadvantages of Altera Quartus II software is the disability to run natively on a Mac system. Luckily there are ways to get around this problem.