Electronics hobby blog
Build a 3D printer - Part 10: LCD Screen
Build a 3D printer - Part 9: Heated bed
Build a 3D printer - Part 8: Endstops
Build a 3D printer - Part 7: Extruder
Build a 3D printer - Part 6: X-axis
Build a 3D printer - Part 5: Z-axis
Now that we have built the frame and& the Y-axis is operational, we can focus on the Z-axis. This will allow to lift the extruder and print new layers. As the layers can be 0.1 mm in thickness we will need a stepper motor that is capable to turning in small steps.
Build a 3D printer - Part 4: Frame support
The 6 mm aluminum frame cutout can now be mounted on the base of our frame. We could leave it as is, but adding the extra 10 mm threaded rod supports will give it that extra stability. The extra rods will also give us place to mount other additions to the printer.
Build a 3D printer - Part 3: Y-axis
Build a 3D printer - Part 2: Base
Build a 3D printer - Part 1: Inventory
Reprap is a very popular Open Source 3D printer. The idea of this project is of a self replicating machine that can create copies of itself. So when you want to build your own 3D printer, the first thing is to get a set of 3D printed parts. It is a good idea to dive into the RepRap community and get to know people that can help you acquire them.