Electronics hobby blog
LUT - Programmable logic gate
Altera Quartus on Mac OSX
One of the disadvantages of Altera Quartus II software is the disability to run natively on a Mac system. Luckily there are ways to get around this problem.
Leaking hotend extruder repair
It can happen that molten filament can leak from the hotend. This usually happens when there is a gap between the heat break hotend throat and the nozzle. This is the result of poor assembly of the extruder's hotend part.
Electronics theory #1: Electricity
The first step in electronics is understanding the concepts of current and voltage. There is a hydraulic analogy that helps to understand electricity, but here we will try to cover how it works on atomic and electron level.
Build a 3D printer - Part 16: Calibration
Build a 3D printer - Part 15: Dual filament spool holder
Build a 3D printer - Part 14: Stepper drivers cooling
The stepper motors are constantly pulling current. Without any cooling the chip that is on the stepper driver module would burn very quickly. Adding small heatsinks on top of the chip is of course the first step, but we can go a bit further.
Build a 3D printer - Part 13: Software
Our 3D printer is finished, but we still can not use it until we program the Arduino board with software that will control our printer. There are several options for the firmware. I have chosen Marlin.
Build a 3D printer - Part 12: Power supply
After hooking up of all the connections to the RAMPS 1.4 board we will need to provide power to the board. The standard 5V output of the USB connector is only sufficient to power the Arduino and the LCD display, so we will need external power. The minimum power that needs to be provided is 12V x 20A (240W). But just to be sure we will use a 12V x 30A (360W) power supply.