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Magnetic Print Bed

This is a Magnetic print bed that can be installed on a 3D printer for better adhesion and also so your finished prints can be easily removed. A while back I installed a similar print bed on my main 3D printer, but did not document it apart from some posts on Twitter. In this post I will cover the installation in more detail.

Printing with ABS

The most important advantages of ABS are impact resistance and toughness. Lego is made from ABS. It will also not deform in hot water, compared to PLA. On the downside ABS is hard to print. You need very hot printbed (around 110 degrees Celsius) and Kapton tape, so the first layer will stick properly. ABS can also warp and curl. There are also other issues in the Marlin firmware that need some attention.

PSU grip

Power Supply Unit (PSU) for the 3D printer is usually a large block that floats around the desk and is not connected to the printer. It is usually forgotten to integrate into the design. If you are lucky you can find mods on Thingiverse, but I had no luck and had to design one myself.